Master 22 years to become an Interior Architect & Designer

FCDAI 3 and 4 > 2-year program to become an Interior Architect / Designer.

The rhythm of the 3rd year enables the student to handle two projects simultaneously. They become capable of autonomously managing each project, integrating all the components acquired in the previous years. They also face larger-scale projects. The work in computer graphics is complemented with 3D and rendering.

Fridays & Saturdays September to June apprenticeship possibilities

A learning pace adapted to working professionals, prioritizing in-person workshops.

A progressive pedagogy to be able to simultaneously manage a design project, interior architecture project, and write a preliminary dissertation.

Financing options: AIRE - CPF - COMPANY - PRO TRANSITION


  • Holder of a certificate of interior designer.
  • Holder of a DNMADE degree and working in an agency.
  • Several years of professional experience in an interior architecture agency.

The diploma year, preparation for the Certified Interior Architect - Designer Title RNCP 7, recognized by the CFAI*

As the culmination of the curriculum, this year synthesizes the achievements of the previous years. Its objective is to demonstrate autonomy in mastering: tools / project methodology / concept development / assertion of aesthetic and creative choices / project communication.

Fcai 3 5 1

Course Structure

  • Analysis of interior architecture/design projects and construction of their program.
  • Creation of new objects, spaces, and living environments in interior architecture and design.
  • Project management, overseeing the construction of interior architecture projects and the fabrication of design projects.
  • Management of the Interior Architect - Designer's activity.

At the end of this first cycle, the trainee has the opportunity to enter the second cycle, which will ultimately lead them to enroll in the same program as the initial curriculum and obtain the certified title at level 7 of the RNCP for interior architect/designer.

If they wish to enter the workforce, they can join a team and participate in projects. However, they may not yet be considered legitimate to lead projects themselves.


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