Terms and Conditions


1/ For initial training

1/1/ Preparatory Year (Design 1)

1/1/1 Registration Procedures

To be a high school graduate
Minimum age of 17
Selection after a motivational interview. You can schedule an appointment at the school's office starting from January by calling 01 53 06 88 00.
After the interview and subject to acceptance, you will receive a registration form. This form must be returned to us signed within three weeks along with a check for 450 euros for registration fees. Once the registration form is signed, it constitutes a contract. You commit to following your training within our establishment and have acknowledged the general sales conditions. ESAM Design then commits to reserving a place for you.

1/1/2 Duration of Teaching

For the preparatory year, classes start in mid-September and end in mid-June.
The course schedule is detailed in the school brochure and available on our website.

1/1/3 Cost of Tuition:

For the preparatory year/D1
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)
At the beginning of the school year, you will receive a comprehensive invoice for tuition with a payment schedule.
International students (non-E.U.):
Foreign nationals (non-E.U.) must pay the full tuition amount upon registration, as well as additional dossier fees of 400 euros.
School supplies for the academic year are the responsibility of the student.
French or E.U. students:

1/1/4 Payment Conditions:

Bank: CIC – 102 Bld Haussmann – 75008 Paris
IBAN: FR76 3006 6106 3700 0113 0570 189

1/1/5 Cancellation:

Due to the financial guarantor
By registered letter or by simple declaration with receipt at the school's office, the financial guarantor, signatory of the registration form, may decide to cancel or terminate the registration:


  • In case of failure in the baccalaureate exams or acceptance into a public school of applied arts or plastic arts. In this case, and upon presentation of original proof, ESAM Design undertakes to refund the amounts paid.
  • In case of non-obtaining of the student visa at the French consulate in the country of origin. In this case, and upon presentation of original proof, ESAM Design undertakes to refund the amounts paid, except for the dossier fees (400 euros).

b) before the first day of the school year, except in cases detailed in § a)
In this case, cancellation will result in the total loss of the amounts already paid to the institution, up to the amount of the tuition deposit of 450 Euros and subject to the application of § c) below.
For international students outside the E.U., cancellation will result in the total loss of the amounts paid.

c) from the first day of the school year
In this case, the balance of all annual tuition fees is immediately due.

Due to the institution:
When the minimum enrollment of 12 students is not reached 15 days before the scheduled start date of the school year for the class in which the student is enrolled, the institution may propose a replacement service of at least equivalent value or cancel the enrollment.
In the latter case, all amounts received will be refunded.

1/1/6 Termination: 

Any unexcused absence of the student for more than two consecutive weeks may be considered by the institution as a definitive termination of enrollment.
In this case, the balance of the amounts due under the tuition contract becomes immediately payable.

1/1/7 Data Protection Law and GDPR:

In accordance with articles 39 and following of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, regarding data processing, files, and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, if necessary, correction or deletion of information concerning them by contacting us by email at accueil@esamdesign.com.

  • The information is collected only for administrative purposes and is not subject to any commercial transfer. It is kept for 5 years.
  • In the event of a pandemic, any transition to a distance learning platform does not constitute a modification of the contract.

1/2/ DAI2/DAI3/DAI4

1/2/1 Registration Procedures:

To be a high school graduate
Demonstrate a sufficient level of study for entry by equivalence.
Minimum age of 17
Selection through an entrance test and examination of the portfolio by a panel of professionals.
You can contact the school's office starting from January to register for the entrance test.
After the entrance test and subject to acceptance, you will receive a registration form. This form must be returned to us signed within three weeks along with a check for 450 euros for registration fees. Once the registration form is signed, it constitutes a contract. You commit to following your training within our establishment and have acknowledged the general sales conditions. ESAM Design then commits to reserving a place for you within the limits of available places.

1/2/2 Cost of Tuition:

French or E.U. students:
For interior architecture/DAI2: click here-
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)

For interior architecture/DAI3: click here-
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)

For interior architecture DAI4: click here-
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)

For interior architecture/DAI5: click here-
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)

At the beginning of the school year, you will receive a comprehensive invoice for tuition with a payment schedule.

International students (outside the E.U.):
Foreign nationals must pay the full tuition amount upon registration, as well as additional dossier fees of 400 euros for first-time registration.

1/2/3 Payment Conditions:

Payments must be made in euros, either by check payable to ESAM Design or by bank transfer, clearly indicating the student's name, to the following coordinates:
Bank: CIC – 102 Bld Haussmann – 75008 Paris
IBAN: FR76 3006 6106 3700 0113 0570 189

1/2/4 Cancellation:

Due to the financial guarantor
By registered letter or by simple declaration with receipt at the school's office, the financial guarantor, signatory of the tuition contract, may decide to cancel or terminate the registration:


  • In case of failure in the baccalaureate exams or acceptance into a French public school of applied arts or plastic arts. In this case, and upon presentation of original proof, ESAM Design undertakes to refund the amounts paid.
  • In case of non-obtaining of the student visa at the French consulate in the country of origin. In this case, and upon presentation of original proof, ESAM Design undertakes to refund the amounts paid, except for the dossier fees (400 euros).

b) before the first day of the school year, except in cases detailed in § a)
In this case, cancellation will result in the total loss of the amounts already paid to the institution, up to the amount of the tuition deposit of 450 Euros and subject to the application of § c) below.
For international students outside the E.U., cancellation will result in the total loss of the amounts paid.

c) from the first day of the school year
In this case, the balance of all annual tuition fees is immediately due.

Due to the institution:
When the minimum enrollment of 12 students is not reached 15 days before the scheduled start date of the school year for the class in which the student is enrolled, the institution may propose a replacement service of at least equivalent value or cancel the enrollment. In the latter case, all amounts received will be refunded.

1/2/5 Termination:

Any unexcused absence of the student for more than two consecutive weeks may be considered by the institution as a definitive termination of enrollment.
In this case, the balance of the amounts due under the tuition contract becomes immediately payable.
Before the start date of the school year, the tuition contract may be terminated automatically by signing a professional training agreement within the framework of a professionalization contract, subject to acceptance of the coverage of training hours by the student's company. In this case, registration fees remain the responsibility of the financial guarantors.
During the training, the tuition contract will be automatically terminated upon signing a professional training agreement; however, the training hours already completed prior to said signing as well as the registration fees will remain the responsibility of the financial guarantors, only the hours of training subsequent to said signing will be the responsibility of the company.
In any case, the tuition deposit will remain the responsibility of the financial guarantors, i.e., 450 euros.

1/2/6 Data Protection Law and GDPR:

In accordance with articles 39 and following of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, regarding data processing, files, and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, if necessary, correction or deletion of information concerning them by contacting us by email at adm@esamdesign.com.

  • The information is collected only for administrative purposes and is not subject to any commercial transfer. It is kept for 5 years.
  • In the event of a pandemic, any transition to a distance learning platform does not constitute a modification of the contract.


2/1 Registration Conditions:

Selection after a motivational interview. You can schedule an appointment at the school's office starting from January by calling 01 53 06 88 00.
After the interview and subject to acceptance, you will receive a registration form. This form must be returned to us within three weeks. Following this, we will send you a training contract accompanied by the internal regulations and the detailed training program. The contract is to be returned to us accompanied by a deposit check of 450 euros.
By signing the training contract, you commit to following your training within our establishment and have acknowledged the general sales conditions. ESAM Design then commits to reserving a place for you.

**2/2 Duration of Training:**
From September to April, 240 hours of training.

**2/3 Cost of Tuition:**
Continuing education first and second-year interior architecture:
Click here for rates-
Continuing education third-year interior architecture - preparation for the decorator-conceiver certificate:
Rates: click here-
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)
Company rate: click here-

Continuing education fourth-year interior architecture - preparation for the interior architect/designer title:
Rates: click here-
Registration fees: 450 euros
Tuition fees (payable in 3 installments)
Company rate: click here-

ESAM Design falls under the Astier Law and is not subject to VAT.

Training hours missed by the trainee (except for legitimate and serious reasons) do not entitle to any reduction.
Training prices are set by the ESAM Design management. In the case of late registration, after the start of the training, the price of the latter is not reduced.

**2/4 Payment Conditions:**
Payments must be made in euros, either by check payable to ESAM Design or by bank transfer, clearly indicating the student's name, to the following coordinates:
Bank CIC – 102 Bld Haussmann – 75008 Paris
IBAN: FR76 3006 6106 3700 0113 0570 189

**2/5 Cancellation:**
By the trainee:
The professional training contract takes effect after a period of 10 days from the date of signature by the parties. Within this 10-day period, the trainee may retract by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, addressed to the Director.
In case of withdrawal before the start of the training, cancellation fees of 450 euros or the amount of the deposit will be retained.
In case of withdrawal after the training has already begun, the entire amount of the training remains due. If, due to a proven case of force majeure, the trainee can no longer attend the training, only the hours completed will be due to them.

By the training organization:
ESAM Design reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of an insufficient number of participants (less than eight) or to modify the opening dates. In this case, ESAM Design will notify the trainee at least one month before the start of the training by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. If the trainee chooses to terminate the contract due to the change in conditions before the start of the training, the amounts paid will be fully refunded to them. If ESAM Design cannot fulfill its services, the amounts paid will be fully refunded.

**2/6 Data Protection Law and GDPR:**
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, regarding data processing, files, and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, if necessary, correction or deletion of information concerning them by contacting us by email at adm@esamdesign.com.

  • The information is collected only for administrative purposes and is not subject to any commercial transfer. It is kept for 5 years.
  • In the event of a pandemic, any transition to a distance learning platform does not constitute a modification of the contract.


Any payment made late compared to the deadlines described above will incur a late interest of 2% per month.


These conditions are subject to French law. Any dispute related to their interpretation and/or execution will be under the jurisdiction of the courts of Paris.